Их бомбили
The Chinese Embassy has published a list of countries that were bombed by the United States of America after World War II: 
• Korea and China 1950-53 (Korean War) 
• Guatemala 1954 
• Indonesia (1958) 
• Cuba (1959-1961) 
• Guatemala (1960) 
• Congo (1964) 
• Laos (1964-1973) 
• Vietnam (1961-1973) 
• Cambodia (1969-1970) 
• Guatemala (1967-1969) 
• Grenada (1983) 
• Lebanon (1983, 1984) (defeating targets in Lebanon and Syria) 
• Libya (1986) 
• El Salvador (1980) 
• Nicaragua (1980) 
• Iran (1987) 
• Panama (1989) 
• Iraq (1991) (Gulf War) 
• Kuwait (1991) 
• Somalia (1993) 
• Bosnia (1994, 1995) 
• Sudan (1998) 
• Afghanistan (1998) 
• Yugoslavia (1999) 
• Yemen (2002) 
• Iraq (1991-2003) (jointly US and UK troops) 
• Iraq (2003-2015) 
• Afghanistan (2001-2015) 
• Pakistan (2007-2015) 
• Somalia (2007-2008, 2011) 
• Yemen (2009, 2011) 
• Libya (2011, 2015) 
• Syria (2014-2015) 
There are more than 20 states on the list. China urged “never forget who poses a real threat to the world.”
Have there been outrages from the Western community towards the United States?
Were there loud denunciations?
Have there ever been sanctions against the United States?
All this hypocritical world hord is sitting quietly, sticking its tongue in one place, when the United States is terrorizing countries like a real bandit. No exclamation, no shadow of reproach, no glimmer of indignation. Such a cowardly, shameless, hypocritical beings! Let them be ashamed suddenly, let them once stick their noses in this list. 
This sad list should be broadcast on all possible channels 24 hours a day, continuously. Make videos that would trouble a bit all this Western riffraff, and would not let them sleep peacefully! Set them alert with all of their  conscience remaining to hammer them, and hammer them still, to remind them of every fact of the crime of the United States against the other humans.
С Уважением, Титов Михаил Николаевич, ген. директор НИИ фотонной медицины и фотонного климата имени Ж. И. Алфёрова и ген. директор ООО «Гидролазер», к.ф.-м.н., лауреат премии Ленинского комсомола
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