Titov M.N.



Overall performance of medical transportable apparatuses.


Today in medicine transportable apparatuses are widely used. As against fixed which demand the long-lived wiring, transportable medical devices have following advantage: they can be applied either in operational, or in the cabinet of the doctor, or for sand bed ill./ Pacients can   realise  the  device them self   Portable instruments are used in machines of first aid, in medicine of catastrophes, in movable hospitals that is imperative in laser medicine. Portable instruments of laser medicine should ensure fast wiring and dismantling, to not be afraid of overcharges in transit, to be not sensing to oscillations of a network and to temperature variations. Instrumentation should be small-sized and enough mild. There should not be an earthing and water cooling. All these properties autonomous apparatuses of series "MURAEY" which are efficiently used in laser therapy have.  As against the fixed colleagues, they are tested for activity in transient conditions, have protection against differentials of a network and temperature drops. The long-period operation in such conditions as for us, and abroad apparatuses allows to expand their application as contrasted to known fixed analogs.


С Уважением, Титов Михаил Николаевич, ген. директор НИИ фотонной медицины и фотонного климата имени Ж. И. Алфёрова и ген. директор ООО «Гидролазер», к.ф.-м.н., лауреат премии Ленинского комсомола
Тел. +7(903)110-36-86
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Сайт http://photon-medcine.mya5.ru/