main reason for demographic crisis in Russia


V.A. Ovsyannikov.


Repeaters of mobile telephony the reason - uglinesses of our children and

main reason for demographic crisis in Russia


V.A. Ovsyannikov.


        I decided to begin this article not with the introduction, results of a research, theoretical research, and with its conclusions and terrible results to which I came.


        But results were sad. The fact that electromagnetic waves penetrate everything and all and excite vortex electric currents in our bodies is known now by each school student.

        But at school of our children did not learn that, since 2000 the girls will give birth only 10% - 30% of healthy children, and 30% - 50% of children at the birth will already have a serious illness: infectious up to 25%, immune and endocrine zabololevaniye – up to 10% and oncological – up to 5%. Yes, the American doctors as success of the medicine give a case of successful operation on removal of a cancer tumor at yet not been born child. And, as well as why it arose at an embryo, I explained in the works

        The fact that the dead at the stood pregnancy of embryos of the person have doctors – pathologists of St. Petersburg find  cancer tumors and even metastases in a cardiac muscle of doctors now does not surprise.

        Also does not surprise scientists that the birth rate in 2000 fell in Russia to   level 1.3 - it is the number of the children falling on one woman.

It is necessary for survival of the nation that about 2.2 children were the share of one woman.

           Now in the State Duma of Russia the issue is discussed: what else is possible and it is necessary to make to approach birth rate coefficient - 1.8 children on one woman.

      It means that the Government plans extinction of our nation. And do not speak about the reason of this demographic crisis. About it my articles and reports.


          Of course, it does not mean that the territory of Russia will turn into the deserted desert. It is possible to go on the way of Western Europe – to widely open doors for migrants. But it will be already other country.  


Shortly about total conclusions.


  1. The main recession of birth rate began in 1987 and ended v1993 to year.

Construction of relaying towers for mobile telephony was carried out to this period.

After my performance in Sarov in 2016 the Hotel administrator approached me and told: "At me because of the stood pregnancy the first child died. Then we moved, and I gave birth to the healthy child.

I asked it, but whether you lived at the square near the Youth center?

- Yes, I lived there and walked in this square when expected a baby.

- In the square of long 120 m – 150 m at the edges cost two repeaters with power about 120 W.

  They killed your first child. Distance from paths in the square to a relaying mast about 30 m. In the report of 2016 the schedule of intensity of EMI was provided in the house standing in 35 m from a repeater, it made 3mkvt - 8mkvt.

For an embryo it is deadly intensity.

For the population in Russia the intensity of the microwave oven of radiation – 10 мкВт is allowed.

  1. In St. Petersburg during this period the birth rate fell with a constant speed – 20 thousand a year. On one area (them in the city 18) losses of birth rate were about 1000 units – 1000 children were taken away only by the stood pregnancy in one district of St.-Petersburg

Three years ago I met the chief obstetrician of St. Petersburg Aylamazyana E.K. Sprosil it: "How are you with the stood pregnancy?" Answers: "Approximately also, if not worse."  

    3. In Sarov the deputy of the State Duma from Nizhny Novgorod

         A. Yaitskov on my remark: "In Sarov, even in the downtown                           repeaters put with installation violations of the rules",

  answered me: "At them everything is grabbed. After installation of each repeater to us, complaints to deterioration in health come to the Government, but we can make nothing".

  1. In 2007 in Prague I made the report: "EMI – the main reason for oncological diseases at children". After the report went to the Government of the Czech Republic. There had a conversation with one of members of the government of the Czech Republic.

During this period the Czech Republic conducted negotiations with the USA on purchase of the powerful radar behind observation of Russia. I explained to this companion that for the densely populated Czech Republic even EMI reflected from clouds will have intensity Watts, and transferred it the copy of the report.

After a while the Czech Republic refused to buy this radar,

  1. After reports on a role of repeaters in the created demographic situation, in our FTI of A.F. Ioffe the meeting on discussion of a demographic situation and our offers in the Government of Saint Petersburg was held. One of offers was: "To consider that the embryo of the person can have the right to life since the moment when his heart began to fight". Then representatives of telecommunication business could not kill it with impunity. To a burden the meeting supported him, and it

Andenko S.A. was transferred to the deputy of the City meeting of St. Petersburg. Further this proposal was submitted in the State Duma as such Law has to be state.




Now we will pass to our works


  At first by a series of publications in Russia and at the international conferences it was shown that the electric currents arising from EM of fields in living tissues cause death of living cells in fabrics on which they proceed. In A. Gurvich's works it was shown that degradation and death of living cells are followed by degradatsionny and nekrobiotichesky ultra-violet (UF) radiation.

      This radiation is an endogenous cancerogenic factor. Being absorbed in the next living cells, it causes reorganizations in genomes of these cages, a part of which remains, and can lead, as a result, to emergence malignant to new growths. 


We provide the report given in Prague in 2007.


Cancerogenic properties of radio waves;

radars of a missile defense system and

 oncological diseases of children


Victor Ovsyannikov


  1. Results of the international researches.
  2. Scientific explanations of the mechanism of cancerogenic influence of radio of waves.
  3. Work of radar station of a missile defense system and the predicted growth of number of oncological diseases of children of the Czech Republic and some neighboring countries.



Harmful (pathological) effects of powerful radiations of radio frequency range (lengths of waves from 1 mm to 1000 m) are well-known. This violation of normal metabolism of living cells, violations of a warm rhythm, violation of work of a brain and central nervous system (CNS), weakening of the immune system in general, deep oppression of the general physical activity, burns of fabrics, up to death of an organism [1].       


Still in the seventies the last century in the USA, at National Institute of health the death of a monkey at its radiation within several minutes 100 - the cotton radar transmitter is registered.

The research of influence of radiation of radar stations (radar station) on animals was shown that their radiation leads to change of a condition of central nervous system, decrease in an immune rezistivnost of an organism, change of reproductive functions, influence on development of an embryo of the person and also to changes in central nervous system of posterity of the first generation of the irradiated animals [2, 3].


        Researches of long impact of radio of radiations of radar station on the person (on the population of military camps) showed decrease in the general rezistivnost of an organism, growth of diseases of central nervous system, respiratory organs, skin, allergic and oncological diseases and at children, and adults [3].

According to oncologists, tumors of a brain [4] became occupational disease of operators of stations of long-range radar reconnaissance.


Recent researches of the Korean scientists established correlation between mortality of children (from 1 year to 14 years) from leukoses (1928 cases) and from brain tumors (956 cases) and distance of the place of their accommodation from masts antennas of broadcasting and television stations:

At accommodation of children within a 2 kilometer zone from antennas the probability of child mortality from these diseases increased by 2.3 times in comparison with the children in control group living at distances over 20 km.

The analysis of tension of the electromagnetic field in the place of residence of the died children showed that it exceeded 1 mkvt/cm2  ) [5 - 7].


To similar results – correlation of diseases of children of leukemia and their close accommodation from antennas of radio stations - scientists of Great Britain, the USA, the USA-Hawaii and Italy came.



On the basis of the "Power model of carcinogenesis" developed by the author [8, 9] it is possible to claim that at certain modes of impact on a human body of radiation of radio of range these oncological diseases are capable to cause.

 In this model of carcinogenesis, from positions of modern physics, the mechanism of transformation of genetic properties of normal living cells in cancer, uniform for all known cancerogenic factors including from electromagnetic radiations of radio frequency range was offered.

           As this mechanism is published (only in Russian so far), we will state its basic provisions shortly.

           1. Primary stage of carcinogenesis is transformation of sites of a genome – protooncogenes in active oncogenes. From power positions, Such activation is possible only as a result of absorption of energy of quanta of ultra-violet (UF) range the bases of genomic DNA.

  1. All cancerogenic factors are capable to create the increased radiation UF level in the place of the influence.

3. Various carcinogens differently influence living tissues: some directly are followed by UF radiation, others lead to long degradation and death of cages in an organism. In the middle of the last century it was experimentally established that degradation and death of living cells are followed by UF radiation.

4. It was experimentally shown that long impact on a living organism of UF of radiation suppresses such protective systems of an organism as reparation and immune.

  1. When passing radio of waves through a human body in it electric currents (Foucault's currents) will be directed. The size of these currents will be various in various sites of an organism; the greatest intensity of these currents will be in sites with the greatest conductivity.


Table of conductivity of some

      sites of an organism.


Structure of an organism

Specific electric conductivity σ, Cm/m

Cerebrospinal fluid - a likvor


Blood serum






Muscle tissue


Brain and nervous tissue


Fatty tissue



0.2 - 0.3

Dry skin


Bone without periosteum



We did not find value of conductivity of red marrow, but according to a number of experts, it has to be an order of conductivity of serum of blood. The comparative analysis of conductivity of fabrics of adult and children's organisms is also not found. According to experts, the conductivity of fabrics of a children's organism has to be higher, than at the adult.

So, the largest sizes of the electric currents induced by radio waves in an organism will be in a central nervous system likvor , in particular, in brain ventricles. Currents in sites of marrow in which new blood cells – leukocytes ripen will be also considerable.

Estimates of these currents can be made on the known formulas [3]:

J = E · σ A/m2

E = √ 30  PG/R V/m,

where: J – density of the electric current induced in fabrics  

             person of radio radiation, A/m2

                  E – electric field strength In oil,

                          the created radio radiation in the location


P – power of radio of radiation, ispuskayey   

     radio station, W,

                  G – coefficient of strengthening of power antenna

                           radio stations,

R – distance from the person to the antenna of radio station, m.


Estimates of currents which can arise in the head of the person show that in areas of ventricles of a brain (section about 1 cm2) of radio the radiation of the station with a power of 100 kW at distance of 1 km will induce currents of conductivity of milliamperny range (about 0.5 мА). For stations of more short-wave range – TV and radar – to currents of conductivity will add still shift currents, and final influence will be still big.

The fact that electric currents of such size, are capable to influence harmful the next cells of a brain and to cause their degradation and even partial death, undoubtedly.

At permanent residence of children in such place these currents for years round the clock affect the child's brain …


Same, in the order of size, currents can be directed also in sites of red marrow and also influence harmful the next stem cells of marrow. Defeat and transformation of stem cells of marrow lead to leukemia.

It is natural that at long influence "margins of safety" of the reparation and immune system in these sites of an organism will be exhausted at first (in a head brain and in marrow). Therefore if under the influence of the radiation proceeding from the perishing cages, normal cages in these sites begin to turn into cancer, this process can lead to developing of malignant tumors of a brain and to leukemia.


By consideration of problems of impact of radio of waves on the person it is necessary to pay attention that vortex currents from radio of radiations can be directed also in other sites of an organism with high conductivity. For the women expecting the child is an amniotic liquid and fabrics of a fruit. By estimates, sizes of the currents induced in amniotic liquid in a kilometer zone from powerful the radio stations can be also milliamperny range and even above! Such currents can cause damage and even death of a fruit. (The author expresses surprise that nobody paid attention to this danger earlier and warned about it women.)



Recently there were messages that the USA suggested the Czech Republic and Poland to place radar stations of tracking missiles launch in their territory. Earlier such stations were placed only in poorly inhabited areas. These stations have a huge pulse capacity. Similar stations in Russia and Azerbaijan have pulse power in hundreds of Megawatts. Their radio emission beams with small divergence extends to thousands of km. At the same time it can be reflected and dissipate from many objects. It is known that the power  of such radio emission reflected or disseminated from clouds is percent – percent shares from the power falling on clouds.



Therefore not only direct influence of radio of radiation of such radars, but even scattered radiation can be dangerous to the population at distances in hundreds of km from antennas of these stations.


On the basis of scientific consideration of impact of radio of radiation of these radars on the population, it is possible to predict already now that work of these stations will lead to a wave of oncological diseases at first at children, and then at adults.


Depending on characteristics of radiating antennas of these radar stations (emitted power, viewing angle: the limited sector or the circular review …) can be predicted that their harmful effects will extend only to the population of the Czech Republic and Poland or will extend to the population of some of neighboring countries over which will pass radio beams of such radars.


At knowledge of exact characteristics of these radar stations it is possible to carry out already now calculations which will show: as far as child mortality from leukemia and tumors of a brain in the zones located at any given distance from these stations will increase.

Such calculations have to allow to define borders of zones of necessary resettlement of people. 


  • .
  1. V.N. Sysoyev, G.N. Lukyanov, I.N. Serov. Influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health. Fund of development of new medical Ayres technologies. Collection of articles. 2002.

2. V.F. Prokofiev. "Secret weapon of information war", Prod. Synthesis, M. 2003.

3. Collection of reports of the 9th Russian scientific and technical conference on electromagnetic compatibility of technical means and electromagnetic safety, St.-Petersburg, 2006.

4. V.A. Ovsyannikov. Developing of tumors of a brain and leukemia at children from electromagnetic fields of radio of range. The report at the 2nd International conference "Person and Electromagnetic Fields", 29.05.07 – 01.06.07 Sarov Russia. Theses of reports of page 30. 

5. Ha M., Lim H.J., Cho S.H., et al. Incidence of cancer in the vicinity of Korean AM radio transmitters. Arch Environ Health 2003; 58(12): 756-62.

  1. Sue Kyung Park, Vina Ha "Ecological study on residenes in the vicinity of AM radio broadcasting towers and cancer death: preliminary observations in Korea" - Int. Frch Occup environ uealth (2004),77.387-394.
  2. Mina Ha, et al. "A Case - Control Study on Residing near AM Radio Broadcast Tower and Childhood Leukemia and Brain Cancer in Korea" Dankook university, 2005.

7. V.A. Ovsyannikov. Power model of carcinogenesis. Questions of oncology, t. 51, No. 1, page 34 – 40.

8, V.A. Ovsyannikov. Power model of carcinogenesis: confirmations. Questions of oncology, t. 51, No. 2, page 154 – 158.


The report was transferred to the Government of the Czech Republic. As a result it refused acquisition at the USA of the powerful radar



Other reports are provided in the Investment



Repeaters of mobile telephony the reason - uglinesses of our children and

main reason for demographic crisis in Russia


V.A. Ovsyannikov.


        I decided to begin this article not with the introduction, results of a research, theoretical research, and with its conclusions and terrible results to which I came.


        But results were sad. The fact that electromagnetic waves penetrate everything and all and excite vortex electric currents in our bodies is known now by each school student.

        But at school of our children did not learn that, since 2000 the girls will give birth only 10% - 30% of healthy children, and 30% - 50% of children at the birth will already have a serious illness: infectious up to 25%, immune and endocrine zabololevaniye – up to 10% and oncological – up to 5%. Yes, the American doctors as success of the medicine give a case of successful operation on removal of a cancer tumor at yet not been born child. And, as well as why it arose at an embryo, I explained in the works

        The fact that the dead at the stood pregnancy of embryos of the person have doctors – pathologists of St. Petersburg find  cancer tumors and even metastases in a cardiac muscle of doctors now does not surprise.

        Also does not surprise scientists that the birth rate in 2000 fell in Russia to   level 1.3 - it is the number of the children falling on one woman.

It is necessary for survival of the nation that about 2.2 children were the share of one woman.

           Now in the State Duma of Russia the issue is discussed: what else is possible and it is necessary to make to approach birth rate coefficient - 1.8 children on one woman.

      It means that the Government plans extinction of our nation. And do not speak about the reason of this demographic crisis. About it my articles and reports.


          Of course, it does not mean that the territory of Russia will turn into the deserted desert. It is possible to go on the way of Western Europe – to widely open doors for migrants. But it will be already other country.  


Shortly about total conclusions.


  1. The main recession of birth rate began in 1987 and ended v1993 to year.

Construction of relaying towers for mobile telephony was carried out to this period.

After my performance in Sarov in 2016 the Hotel administrator approached me and told: "At me because of the stood pregnancy the first child died. Then we moved, and I gave birth to the healthy child.

I asked it, but whether you lived at the square near the Youth center?

- Yes, I lived there and walked in this square when expected a baby.

- In the square of long 120 m – 150 m at the edges cost two repeaters with power about 120 W.

  They killed your first child. Distance from paths in the square to a relaying mast about 30 m. In the report of 2016 the schedule of intensity of EMI was provided in the house standing in 35 m from a repeater, it made 3mkvt - 8mkvt.

For an embryo it is deadly intensity.

For the population in Russia the intensity of the microwave oven of radiation – 10 мкВт is allowed.

  1. In St. Petersburg during this period the birth rate fell with a constant speed – 20 thousand a year. On one area (them in the city 18) losses of birth rate were about 1000 units – 1000 children were taken away only by the stood pregnancy in one district of St.-Petersburg

Three years ago I met the chief obstetrician of St. Petersburg Aylamazyana E.K. Sprosil it: "How are you with the stood pregnancy?" Answers: "Approximately also, if not worse."  

    3. In Sarov the deputy of the State Duma from Nizhny Novgorod

         A. Yaitskov on my remark: "In Sarov, even in the downtown                           repeaters put with installation violations of the rules",

  answered me: "At them everything is grabbed. After installation of each repeater to us, complaints to deterioration in health come to the Government, but we can make nothing".

  1. In 2007 in Prague I made the report: "EMI – the main reason for oncological diseases at children". After the report went to the Government of the Czech Republic. There had a conversation with one of members of the government of the Czech Republic.

During this period the Czech Republic conducted negotiations with the USA on purchase of the powerful radar behind observation of Russia. I explained to this companion that for the densely populated Czech Republic even EMI reflected from clouds will have intensity Watts, and transferred it the copy of the report.

After a while the Czech Republic refused to buy this radar,

  1. After reports on a role of repeaters in the created demographic situation, in our FTI of A.F. Ioffe the meeting on discussion of a demographic situation and our offers in the Government of Saint Petersburg was held. One of offers was: "To consider that the embryo of the person can have the right to life since the moment when his heart began to fight". Then representatives of telecommunication business could not kill it with impunity. To a burden the meeting supported him, and it

Andenko S.A. was transferred to the deputy of the City meeting of St. Petersburg. Further this proposal was submitted in the State Duma as such Law has to be state.




Now we will pass to our works


  At first by a series of publications in Russia and at the international conferences it was shown that the electric currents arising from EM of fields in living tissues cause death of living cells in fabrics on which they proceed. In A. Gurvich's works it was shown that degradation and death of living cells are followed by degradatsionny and nekrobiotichesky ultra-violet (UF) radiation.

      This radiation is an endogenous cancerogenic factor. Being absorbed in the next living cells, it causes reorganizations in genomes of these cages, a part of which remains, and can lead, as a result, to emergence malignant to new growths. 


We provide the report given in Prague in 2007.


Cancerogenic properties of radio waves;

radars of a missile defense system and

 oncological diseases of children


Victor Ovsyannikov


  1. Results of the international researches.
  2. Scientific explanations of the mechanism of cancerogenic influence of radio of waves.
  3. Work of radar station of a missile defense system and the predicted growth of number of oncological diseases of children of the Czech Republic and some neighboring countries.



Harmful (pathological) effects of powerful radiations of radio frequency range (lengths of waves from 1 mm to 1000 m) are well-known. This violation of normal metabolism of living cells, violations of a warm rhythm, violation of work of a brain and central nervous system (CNS), weakening of the immune system in general, deep oppression of the general physical activity, burns of fabrics, up to death of an organism [1].       


Still in the seventies the last century in the USA, at National Institute of health the death of a monkey at its radiation within several minutes 100 - the cotton radar transmitter is registered.

The research of influence of radiation of radar stations (radar station) on animals was shown that their radiation leads to change of a condition of central nervous system, decrease in an immune rezistivnost of an organism, change of reproductive functions, influence on development of an embryo of the person and also to changes in central nervous system of posterity of the first generation of the irradiated animals [2, 3].


        Researches of long impact of radio of radiations of radar station on the person (on the population of military camps) showed decrease in the general rezistivnost of an organism, growth of diseases of central nervous system, respiratory organs, skin, allergic and oncological diseases and at children, and adults [3].

According to oncologists, tumors of a brain [4] became occupational disease of operators of stations of long-range radar reconnaissance.


Recent researches of the Korean scientists established correlation between mortality of children (from 1 year to 14 years) from leukoses (1928 cases) and from brain tumors (956 cases) and distance of the place of their accommodation from masts antennas of broadcasting and television stations:

At accommodation of children within a 2 kilometer zone from antennas the probability of child mortality from these diseases increased by 2.3 times in comparison with the children in control group living at distances over 20 km.

The analysis of tension of the electromagnetic field in the place of residence of the died children showed that it exceeded 1 mkvt/cm2  ) [5 - 7].


To similar results – correlation of diseases of children of leukemia and their close accommodation from antennas of radio stations - scientists of Great Britain, the USA, the USA-Hawaii and Italy came.



On the basis of the "Power model of carcinogenesis" developed by the author [8, 9] it is possible to claim that at certain modes of impact on a human body of radiation of radio of range these oncological diseases are capable to cause.

 In this model of carcinogenesis, from positions of modern physics, the mechanism of transformation of genetic properties of normal living cells in cancer, uniform for all known cancerogenic factors including from electromagnetic radiations of radio frequency range was offered.

           As this mechanism is published (only in Russian so far), we will state its basic provisions shortly.

           1. Primary stage of carcinogenesis is transformation of sites of a genome – protooncogenes in active oncogenes. From power positions, Such activation is possible only as a result of absorption of energy of quanta of ultra-violet (UF) range the bases of genomic DNA.

  1. All cancerogenic factors are capable to create the increased radiation UF level in the place of the influence.

3. Various carcinogens differently influence living tissues: some directly are followed by UF radiation, others lead to long degradation and death of cages in an organism. In the middle of the last century it was experimentally established that degradation and death of living cells are followed by UF radiation.

4. It was experimentally shown that long impact on a living organism of UF of radiation suppresses such protective systems of an organism as reparation and immune.

  1. When passing radio of waves through a human body in it electric currents (Foucault's currents) will be directed. The size of these currents will be various in various sites of an organism; the greatest intensity of these currents will be in sites with the greatest conductivity.


Table of conductivity of some

      sites of an organism.


Structure of an organism

Specific electric conductivity σ, Cm/m

Cerebrospinal fluid - a likvor


Blood serum






Muscle tissue


Brain and nervous tissue


Fatty tissue



0.2 - 0.3

Dry skin


Bone without periosteum



We did not find value of conductivity of red marrow, but according to a number of experts, it has to be an order of conductivity of serum of blood. The comparative analysis of conductivity of fabrics of adult and children's organisms is also not found. According to experts, the conductivity of fabrics of a children's organism has to be higher, than at the adult.

So, the largest sizes of the electric currents induced by radio waves in an organism will be in a central nervous system likvor , in particular, in brain ventricles. Currents in sites of marrow in which new blood cells – leukocytes ripen will be also considerable.

Estimates of these currents can be made on the known formulas [3]:

J = E · σ A/m2

E = √ 30  PG/R V/m,

where: J – density of the electric current induced in fabrics  

             person of radio radiation, A/m2

                  E – electric field strength In oil,

                          the created radio radiation in the location


P – power of radio of radiation, ispuskayey   

     radio station, W,

                  G – coefficient of strengthening of power antenna

                           radio stations,

R – distance from the person to the antenna of radio station, m.


Estimates of currents which can arise in the head of the person show that in areas of ventricles of a brain (section about 1 cm2) of radio the radiation of the station with a power of 100 kW at distance of 1 km will induce currents of conductivity of milliamperny range (about 0.5 мА). For stations of more short-wave range – TV and radar – to currents of conductivity will add still shift currents, and final influence will be still big.

The fact that electric currents of such size, are capable to influence harmful the next cells of a brain and to cause their degradation and even partial death, undoubtedly.

At permanent residence of children in such place these currents for years round the clock affect the child's brain …


Same, in the order of size, currents can be directed also in sites of red marrow and also influence harmful the next stem cells of marrow. Defeat and transformation of stem cells of marrow lead to leukemia.

It is natural that at long influence "margins of safety" of the reparation and immune system in these sites of an organism will be exhausted at first (in a head brain and in marrow). Therefore if under the influence of the radiation proceeding from the perishing cages, normal cages in these sites begin to turn into cancer, this process can lead to developing of malignant tumors of a brain and to leukemia.


By consideration of problems of impact of radio of waves on the person it is necessary to pay attention that vortex currents from radio of radiations can be directed also in other sites of an organism with high conductivity. For the women expecting the child is an amniotic liquid and fabrics of a fruit. By estimates, sizes of the currents induced in amniotic liquid in a kilometer zone from powerful the radio stations can be also milliamperny range and even above! Such currents can cause damage and even death of a fruit. (The author expresses surprise that nobody paid attention to this danger earlier and warned about it women.)



Recently there were messages that the USA suggested the Czech Republic and Poland to place radar stations of tracking missiles launch in their territory. Earlier such stations were placed only in poorly inhabited areas. These stations have a huge pulse capacity. Similar stations in Russia and Azerbaijan have pulse power in hundreds of Megawatts. Their radio emission beams with small divergence extends to thousands of km. At the same time it can be reflected and dissipate from many objects. It is known that the power  of such radio emission reflected or disseminated from clouds is percent – percent shares from the power falling on clouds.



Therefore not only direct influence of radio of radiation of such radars, but even scattered radiation can be dangerous to the population at distances in hundreds of km from antennas of these stations.


On the basis of scientific consideration of impact of radio of radiation of these radars on the population, it is possible to predict already now that work of these stations will lead to a wave of oncological diseases at first at children, and then at adults.


Depending on characteristics of radiating antennas of these radar stations (emitted power, viewing angle: the limited sector or the circular review …) can be predicted that their harmful effects will extend only to the population of the Czech Republic and Poland or will extend to the population of some of neighboring countries over which will pass radio beams of such radars.


At knowledge of exact characteristics of these radar stations it is possible to carry out already now calculations which will show: as far as child mortality from leukemia and tumors of a brain in the zones located at any given distance from these stations will increase.

Such calculations have to allow to define borders of zones of necessary resettlement of people. 


  • .
  1. V.N. Sysoyev, G.N. Lukyanov, I.N. Serov. Influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health. Fund of development of new medical Ayres technologies. Collection of articles. 2002.

2. V.F. Prokofiev. "Secret weapon of information war", Prod. Synthesis, M. 2003.

3. Collection of reports of the 9th Russian scientific and technical conference on electromagnetic compatibility of technical means and electromagnetic safety, St.-Petersburg, 2006.

4. V.A. Ovsyannikov. Developing of tumors of a brain and leukemia at children from electromagnetic fields of radio of range. The report at the 2nd International conference "Person and Electromagnetic Fields", 29.05.07 – 01.06.07 Sarov Russia. Theses of reports of page 30. 

5. Ha M., Lim H.J., Cho S.H., et al. Incidence of cancer in the vicinity of Korean AM radio transmitters. Arch Environ Health 2003; 58(12): 756-62.

  1. Sue Kyung Park, Vina Ha "Ecological study on residenes in the vicinity of AM radio broadcasting towers and cancer death: preliminary observations in Korea" - Int. Frch Occup environ uealth (2004),77.387-394.
  2. Mina Ha, et al. "A Case - Control Study on Residing near AM Radio Broadcast Tower and Childhood Leukemia and Brain Cancer in Korea" Dankook university, 2005.

7. V.A. Ovsyannikov. Power model of carcinogenesis. Questions of oncology, t. 51, No. 1, page 34 – 40.

8, V.A. Ovsyannikov. Power model of carcinogenesis: confirmations. Questions of oncology, t. 51, No. 2, page 154 – 158.


The report was transferred to the Government of the Czech Republic. As a result it refused acquisition at the USA of the powerful radar



Other reports are provided in the Investment



Repeaters of mobile telephony the reason - uglinesses of our children and

main reason for demographic crisis in Russia


V.A. Ovsyannikov.


        I decided to begin this article not with the introduction, results of a research, theoretical research, and with its conclusions and terrible results to which I came.


        But results were sad. The fact that electromagnetic waves penetrate everything and all and excite vortex electric currents in our bodies is known now by each school student.

        But at school of our children did not learn that, since 2000 the girls will give birth only 10% - 30% of healthy children, and 30% - 50% of children at the birth will already have a serious illness: infectious up to 25%, immune and endocrine zabololevaniye – up to 10% and oncological – up to 5%. Yes, the American doctors as success of the medicine give a case of successful operation on removal of a cancer tumor at yet not been born child. And, as well as why it arose at an embryo, I explained in the works

        The fact that the dead at the stood pregnancy of embryos of the person have doctors – pathologists of St. Petersburg find  cancer tumors and even metastases in a cardiac muscle of doctors now does not surprise.

        Also does not surprise scientists that the birth rate in 2000 fell in Russia to   level 1.3 - it is the number of the children falling on one woman.

It is necessary for survival of the nation that about 2.2 children were the share of one woman.

           Now in the State Duma of Russia the issue is discussed: what else is possible and it is necessary to make to approach birth rate coefficient - 1.8 children on one woman.

      It means that the Government plans extinction of our nation. And do not speak about the reason of this demographic crisis. About it my articles and reports.


          Of course, it does not mean that the territory of Russia will turn into the deserted desert. It is possible to go on the way of Western Europe – to widely open doors for migrants. But it will be already other country.  


Shortly about total conclusions.


  1. The main recession of birth rate began in 1987 and ended v1993 to year.

Construction of relaying towers for mobile telephony was carried out to this period.

After my performance in Sarov in 2016 the Hotel administrator approached me and told: "At me because of the stood pregnancy the first child died. Then we moved, and I gave birth to the healthy child.

I asked it, but whether you lived at the square near the Youth center?

- Yes, I lived there and walked in this square when expected a baby.

- In the square of long 120 m – 150 m at the edges cost two repeaters with power about 120 W.

  They killed your first child. Distance from paths in the square to a relaying mast about 30 m. In the report of 2016 the schedule of intensity of EMI was provided in the house standing in 35 m from a repeater, it made 3mkvt - 8mkvt.

For an embryo it is deadly intensity.

For the population in Russia the intensity of the microwave oven of radiation – 10 мкВт is allowed.

  1. In St. Petersburg during this period the birth rate fell with a constant speed – 20 thousand a year. On one area (them in the city 18) losses of birth rate were about 1000 units – 1000 children were taken away only by the stood pregnancy in one district of St.-Petersburg

Three years ago I met the chief obstetrician of St. Petersburg Aylamazyana E.K. Sprosil it: "How are you with the stood pregnancy?" Answers: "Approximately also, if not worse."  

    3. In Sarov the deputy of the State Duma from Nizhny Novgorod

         A. Yaitskov on my remark: "In Sarov, even in the downtown                           repeaters put with installation violations of the rules",

  answered me: "At them everything is grabbed. After installation of each repeater to us, complaints to deterioration in health come to the Government, but we can make nothing".

  1. In 2007 in Prague I made the report: "EMI – the main reason for oncological diseases at children". After the report went to the Government of the Czech Republic. There had a conversation with one of members of the government of the Czech Republic.

During this period the Czech Republic conducted negotiations with the USA on purchase of the powerful radar behind observation of Russia. I explained to this companion that for the densely populated Czech Republic even EMI reflected from clouds will have intensity Watts, and transferred it the copy of the report.

After a while the Czech Republic refused to buy this radar,

  1. After reports on a role of repeaters in the created demographic situation, in our FTI of A.F. Ioffe the meeting on discussion of a demographic situation and our offers in the Government of Saint Petersburg was held. One of offers was: "To consider that the embryo of the person can have the right to life since the moment when his heart began to fight". Then representatives of telecommunication business could not kill it with impunity. To a burden the meeting supported him, and it

Andenko S.A. was transferred to the deputy of the City meeting of St. Petersburg. Further this proposal was submitted in the State Duma as such Law has to be state.




Now we will pass to our works


  At first by a series of publications in Russia and at the international conferences it was shown that the electric currents arising from EM of fields in living tissues cause death of living cells in fabrics on which they proceed. In A. Gurvich's works it was shown that degradation and death of living cells are followed by degradatsionny and nekrobiotichesky ultra-violet (UF) radiation.

      This radiation is an endogenous cancerogenic factor. Being absorbed in the next living cells, it causes reorganizations in genomes of these cages, a part of which remains, and can lead, as a result, to emergence malignant to new growths. 


We provide the report given in Prague in 2007.


Cancerogenic properties of radio waves;

radars of a missile defense system and

 oncological diseases of children


Victor Ovsyannikov


  1. Results of the international researches.
  2. Scientific explanations of the mechanism of cancerogenic influence of radio of waves.
  3. Work of radar station of a missile defense system and the predicted growth of number of oncological diseases of children of the Czech Republic and some neighboring countries.



Harmful (pathological) effects of powerful radiations of radio frequency range (lengths of waves from 1 mm to 1000 m) are well-known. This violation of normal metabolism of living cells, violations of a warm rhythm, violation of work of a brain and central nervous system (CNS), weakening of the immune system in general, deep oppression of the general physical activity, burns of fabrics, up to death of an organism [1].       


Still in the seventies the last century in the USA, at National Institute of health the death of a monkey at its radiation within several minutes 100 - the cotton radar transmitter is registered.

The research of influence of radiation of radar stations (radar station) on animals was shown that their radiation leads to change of a condition of central nervous system, decrease in an immune rezistivnost of an organism, change of reproductive functions, influence on development of an embryo of the person and also to changes in central nervous system of posterity of the first generation of the irradiated animals [2, 3].


        Researches of long impact of radio of radiations of radar station on the person (on the population of military camps) showed decrease in the general rezistivnost of an organism, growth of diseases of central nervous system, respiratory organs, skin, allergic and oncological diseases and at children, and adults [3].

According to oncologists, tumors of a brain [4] became occupational disease of operators of stations of long-range radar reconnaissance.


Recent researches of the Korean scientists established correlation between mortality of children (from 1 year to 14 years) from leukoses (1928 cases) and from brain tumors (956 cases) and distance of the place of their accommodation from masts antennas of broadcasting and television stations:

At accommodation of children within a 2 kilometer zone from antennas the probability of child mortality from these diseases increased by 2.3 times in comparison with the children in control group living at distances over 20 km.

The analysis of tension of the electromagnetic field in the place of residence of the died children showed that it exceeded 1 mkvt/cm2  ) [5 - 7].


To similar results – correlation of diseases of children of leukemia and their close accommodation from antennas of radio stations - scientists of Great Britain, the USA, the USA-Hawaii and Italy came.



On the basis of the "Power model of carcinogenesis" developed by the author [8, 9] it is possible to claim that at certain modes of impact on a human body of radiation of radio of range these oncological diseases are capable to cause.

 In this model of carcinogenesis, from positions of modern physics, the mechanism of transformation of genetic properties of normal living cells in cancer, uniform for all known cancerogenic factors including from electromagnetic radiations of radio frequency range was offered.

           As this mechanism is published (only in Russian so far), we will state its basic provisions shortly.

           1. Primary stage of carcinogenesis is transformation of sites of a genome – protooncogenes in active oncogenes. From power positions, Such activation is possible only as a result of absorption of energy of quanta of ultra-violet (UF) range the bases of genomic DNA.

  1. All cancerogenic factors are capable to create the increased radiation UF level in the place of the influence.

3. Various carcinogens differently influence living tissues: some directly are followed by UF radiation, others lead to long degradation and death of cages in an organism. In the middle of the last century it was experimentally established that degradation and death of living cells are followed by UF radiation.

4. It was experimentally shown that long impact on a living organism of UF of radiation suppresses such protective systems of an organism as reparation and immune.

  1. When passing radio of waves through a human body in it electric currents (Foucault's currents) will be directed. The size of these currents will be various in various sites of an organism; the greatest intensity of these currents will be in sites with the greatest conductivity.


Table of conductivity of some

      sites of an organism.


Structure of an organism

Specific electric conductivity σ, Cm/m

Cerebrospinal fluid - a likvor


Blood serum






Muscle tissue


Brain and nervous tissue


Fatty tissue



0.2 - 0.3

Dry skin


Bone without periosteum



We did not find value of conductivity of red marrow, but according to a number of experts, it has to be an order of conductivity of serum of blood. The comparative analysis of conductivity of fabrics of adult and children's organisms is also not found. According to experts, the conductivity of fabrics of a children's organism has to be higher, than at the adult.

So, the largest sizes of the electric currents induced by radio waves in an organism will be in a central nervous system likvor , in particular, in brain ventricles. Currents in sites of marrow in which new blood cells – leukocytes ripen will be also considerable.

Estimates of these currents can be made on the known formulas [3]:

J = E · σ A/m2

E = √ 30  PG/R V/m,

where: J – density of the electric current induced in fabrics  

             person of radio radiation, A/m2

                  E – electric field strength In oil,

                          the created radio radiation in the location


P – power of radio of radiation, ispuskayey   

     radio station, W,

                  G – coefficient of strengthening of power antenna

                           radio stations,

R – distance from the person to the antenna of radio station, m.


Estimates of currents which can arise in the head of the person show that in areas of ventricles of a brain (section about 1 cm2) of radio the radiation of the station with a power of 100 kW at distance of 1 km will induce currents of conductivity of milliamperny range (about 0.5 мА). For stations of more short-wave range – TV and radar – to currents of conductivity will add still shift currents, and final influence will be still big.

The fact that electric currents of such size, are capable to influence harmful the next cells of a brain and to cause their degradation and even partial death, undoubtedly.

At permanent residence of children in such place these currents for years round the clock affect the child's brain …


Same, in the order of size, currents can be directed also in sites of red marrow and also influence harmful the next stem cells of marrow. Defeat and transformation of stem cells of marrow lead to leukemia.

It is natural that at long influence "margins of safety" of the reparation and immune system in these sites of an organism will be exhausted at first (in a head brain and in marrow). Therefore if under the influence of the radiation proceeding from the perishing cages, normal cages in these sites begin to turn into cancer, this process can lead to developing of malignant tumors of a brain and to leukemia.


By consideration of problems of impact of radio of waves on the person it is necessary to pay attention that vortex currents from radio of radiations can be directed also in other sites of an organism with high conductivity. For the women expecting the child is an amniotic liquid and fabrics of a fruit. By estimates, sizes of the currents induced in amniotic liquid in a kilometer zone from powerful the radio stations can be also milliamperny range and even above! Such currents can cause damage and even death of a fruit. (The author expresses surprise that nobody paid attention to this danger earlier and warned about it women.)



Recently there were messages that the USA suggested the Czech Republic and Poland to place radar stations of tracking missiles launch in their territory. Earlier such stations were placed only in poorly inhabited areas. These stations have a huge pulse capacity. Similar stations in Russia and Azerbaijan have pulse power in hundreds of Megawatts. Their radio emission beams with small divergence extends to thousands of km. At the same time it can be reflected and dissipate from many objects. It is known that the power  of such radio emission reflected or disseminated from clouds is percent – percent shares from the power falling on clouds.



Therefore not only direct influence of radio of radiation of such radars, but even scattered radiation can be dangerous to the population at distances in hundreds of km from antennas of these stations.


On the basis of scientific consideration of impact of radio of radiation of these radars on the population, it is possible to predict already now that work of these stations will lead to a wave of oncological diseases at first at children, and then at adults.


Depending on characteristics of radiating antennas of these radar stations (emitted power, viewing angle: the limited sector or the circular review …) can be predicted that their harmful effects will extend only to the population of the Czech Republic and Poland or will extend to the population of some of neighboring countries over which will pass radio beams of such radars.


At knowledge of exact characteristics of these radar stations it is possible to carry out already now calculations which will show: as far as child mortality from leukemia and tumors of a brain in the zones located at any given distance from these stations will increase.

Such calculations have to allow to define borders of zones of necessary resettlement of people. 


  • .
  1. V.N. Sysoyev, G.N. Lukyanov, I.N. Serov. Influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health. Fund of development of new medical Ayres technologies. Collection of articles. 2002.

2. V.F. Prokofiev. "Secret weapon of information war", Prod. Synthesis, M. 2003.

3. Collection of reports of the 9th Russian scientific and technical conference on electromagnetic compatibility of technical means and electromagnetic safety, St.-Petersburg, 2006.

4. V.A. Ovsyannikov. Developing of tumors of a brain and leukemia at children from electromagnetic fields of radio of range. The report at the 2nd International conference "Person and Electromagnetic Fields", 29.05.07 – 01.06.07 Sarov Russia. Theses of reports of page 30. 

5. Ha M., Lim H.J., Cho S.H., et al. Incidence of cancer in the vicinity of Korean AM radio transmitters. Arch Environ Health 2003; 58(12): 756-62.

  1. Sue Kyung Park, Vina Ha "Ecological study on residenes in the vicinity of AM radio broadcasting towers and cancer death: preliminary observations in Korea" - Int. Frch Occup environ uealth (2004),77.387-394.
  2. Mina Ha, et al. "A Case - Control Study on Residing near AM Radio Broadcast Tower and Childhood Leukemia and Brain Cancer in Korea" Dankook university, 2005.

7. V.A. Ovsyannikov. Power model of carcinogenesis. Questions of oncology, t. 51, No. 1, page 34 – 40.

8, V.A. Ovsyannikov. Power model of carcinogenesis: confirmations. Questions of oncology, t. 51, No. 2, page 154 – 158.


The report was transferred to the Government of the Czech Republic. As a result it refused acquisition at the USA of the powerful radar



Other reports are provided in the Investment


04.01.2022 19:43, Mikhail Titov writes: