Way of treatment of oncological patients with metastases

Way of treatment of oncological patients with metastases


Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2741711

V.A. Ovsyannikov.

E-mail: victorovs@mail.ru


Metastases are the new malignancies which arose already in a sick organism.

They arise if not to delete primary tumor. But with some probability can arise at the patient after removal of primary tumor. [1]


Metastases arise two types: the first - near primary tumor without change of properties of tumor cells, and the second - with the properties of cages other than properties of tumor cells of primary tumor.

Both types of metastases require suppression of protective abilities of an organism of the patient or in a certain place (locally), or in all an organism.


Developing of metastases of a first type can be objyasnyono that tumor cells because of an invasion got into the next fabrics on rather long distance and weren't removed together with a tumor at operation.

So there are metastases around melanomas.


The second type of metastases can arise in any site of an organism of the patient. Earlier was considered that such metastases arise from the cancer cells plying in the blood course of the patient.

Why properties of cells of these metastases differ from properties of primary tumor?

For an explanation of this contradiction at cells of metastases of the second look it is necessary to consider this process in details. As it was shown by the previous researches [2], in the course of blood circulation the cancer cells collapse. Entirely they aren't built in other body tissues, only their genetic material with onkogenny properties can get into living cells of other sites of an organism and is built in a genome of a cage owner [2].


Such process of embedding, goes not just as merge of two chains of DNA.

He occurs the next way: 1. At first a break-up of the DNA owner, more precisely, a rupture of two sakharofosfatny chains of DNA what energy from 10 эВ to 15 эВ is spent for.

2. Then under the influence of forces of molecular interaction there is DNA embedding – the guest in the DNA owner's molecule

3. At last, sewing together of all attached sites of DNA with allocation of the doubled energy spent for a gap.


I specify: at reunion of one chain of DNA the energy approximately from 5 эВ to 7.5 эВ has to be emitted. This energy corresponds to UF to spectral range. [3]


This energy which is marked out at reunion of the main chains of DNA goes for excitement of the bases of DNA and for their restructurings. [3]


We will remind that each of the bases of DNA can exist in two or even in three stable tautomeric forms. That is, when maintaining the sequence of the bases, such sites of DNA gain new properties.

So cells of metastases of the second look have new properties other than properties of cells of primary tumor. [4] It is possible to believe that quite so, as a result of absorption of energy of DNA which is emitted at reunion of the main chains in these sites active oncogenes are created. Further formation of the onkobelok reconstructing earlier normal cage in a cancer cell follows. The metastasis of the second look is so created.


Therefore, metastases can arise in different sites of an organism at once: in a cardiac muscle, in lungs, in bones x. At the same time in each place it can be different types of tumors, with about the properties of cages other than properties of cells of primary tumors. Any of these tumors can lead the patient's organism to a lethal outcome.

Now several ways of treatment of such patients develop: the chemotherapy directed to delay of growth of cancer cells, magnetic therapy (Achtyrski V.I. [6f, LobkaevaE. Item [7]) and laser therapy (V.A. Ovsyannikov. [4], O.A. Masterova. [8], N.I. Kuznetsov. [9]), directed to restoration of protective systems of an organism of the most sick.


It was shown [8] that at influence by laser therapeutic radiation on in vitro blood the fagotsitarny abilities of lymphocytes of the blood taken from patients with viral infections, and weakened at diseases approximately twice were restored almost to norm. [9]

In our Leningrad group the laser therapy began to be used successfully for treatment of viral diseases: viral hepatitis B and C, serous meningitis and HIV infection. At the same time it was shown that the fagotsitarny system during diseases reduces the abilities almost twice, and by the fagotsitarny index, and on fagotsitarny number. Influence by laser radiation on blood and imunnokompetentny zones of an organism of the patient is capable to restore work of all fagotsitarny system of the patient. At the same time the patients who received a full course of laser therapy in addition had an anti-thrombotic effect and any of patients didn't die because of thrombosis of vessels [8].


All this allows to hope that laser therapy can restore protective abilities and the cancer patient's organism.

It is known that under the influence of cancerogenic factors in a human body daily there are cancer cells, and they are eliminated from an organism by his protective systems [10]. Only when easing these protective abilities, on the basis of these cages can, there are cancer tumors.


Means if at the oncological patient to restore own protective abilities, i.e. to restore number of lymphocytes to norm and their abilities to absorb the foreign or transformed cancer cells, then it is possible to reduce the probability of developing of metastases.

On this theoretical basis the proposal was made: before carrying out to perform operations on removal of primary cancer tumor laser therapeutic impact not only on area of the operational field, but also on blood in hypodermic vessels and on all imunnokompetentny zones – marrow in which lymphocytes are created and differentiated.

It is natural that to count on that, protective systems will cope with already developed tumor, doesn't follow. But such laser radiation has to normalize to some extent protective systems around the deleted tumor.

After healing of an operational wound it is necessary to conduct full treatment course of laser therapy and to repeat his each half a year. If after removal of primary tumor the metastases after all develop, on area of metastases it is possible to carry out special influence as such therapeutic influence is capable to slow down their growth. Such direct influences by infrared laser radiation on melanoma metastases us it was carried out earlier, and delay of growth of metastases was established by laboratory researches. [11]


In 2021 the Patent of the Russian Federation for invention No. 2741711 was taken out

"Way of treatment of oncological patients with metastases"

with the Priority of February 19, 2020.

Date of the state registration in the State register of inventions of the Russian Federation on January 28, 2021 and

Period of validity of the exclusive right till February 19, 2040.


We give completely an invention formula


1. The way of treatment of oncological patients including removal of primary also the subsequent laser impact on the pathological center, and biologically active points in the field of process differing in the fact that for the purpose of reduction of probability of metastasis before carrying out removal of primary tumor conduct a preoperative course of laser therapy for what laser radiation influence all imunnokompetentny zones of the patient swelled up: a breast-timus, podvzdoshny wings, area of a liver and spleen in front and behind, areas paravertebralny a backbone behind and also cherezkozhno on blood in large hypodermic blood vessels for what carry out once a day

radiation of each zone lasting 5-10 minutes, duration of a preliminary course of 3-6 days, laser therapeutic radiation of an infrared range in the scanning mode with the wavelength of 700-1000 nanometers, 100-500 MW, in 5-25 days, after removal of primary tumor, the patient conduct treatment course by laser radiation with the same parameters, duration of treatment course of 25-35 days with breaks in 1 day every 5 days; further in the absence of metastases the treatment course of laser therapeutic influences is repeated by each half a year.


2. Sposobpo item 1 differing in the fact that at appearance of metastases for the purpose of delay of their growth into each day session laser influences by the 300-500 MW radiation and lasting radiation of 5-10 minutes on each zone from the found zones in addition enter into the program of treatment course


In conclusion photo

"Performing laser therapy – radiation of paravertebralny zones"






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6. Achtyrski V.I. Nizkochasttnaya magnetic therapy in clinical practice, - Fizmka to sciences about life. The first Russian конф. Theses of reports. SPb. 2016, page 129.

7. E.P. Lobkayeva, etc. Conceptual approach to low-frequency magnetotherapy of tumoral processes in an organism. The V International conference "Person and Electromagnetic Fields". Сб. reports, Sarov. 2016, page 255-262.

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(51) MPK
  •  A61N 5/00 (2020.08)
works (the last change of the status: 17.02.2021)
considered for the 3rd year from 20.02.2022 to 19.02.2023

(21) (22) Application: 2020107789, 19.02.2020

(24) Start date of counting of period of validity of the patent:

Date of registration:


(22) Date of application: 19.02.2020

(45) Published: 28.01.2021  Bulletin No. 4

(56) The list of the documents quoted in the report on search: RU 2705445 C1, 07.11.2019. RU 2345788 C2, 10.02.2009. RU 2231999 C2, 10.07.2004. T.P. GENING, etc. Laser radiation in experimental and clinical oncology//the Ulyanovsk medicobiological magazine, 2011, N3, page 7-16. DASDIA T.A. study to evaluate whether low watt laser irradiation can effect colony formation of human tumor cells in vitro//

Laser surg. med. - 1988. - Vol. 8, N8. - River 177 PMID: 2927231.


The address for correspondence:
195220, St. Petersburg, Gzhatskaya St., 9, apartment 56, to Victor Andreevich Ovsyannikov

(72) Author(s):
Victor Andreevich Ovsyannikov (RU)

(73) Patent holder(s):
Victor Andreevich Ovsyannikov (RU)


(57) Paper:

The invention belongs to medicine, namely to oncology, and can be used for treatment of oncological patients. The way includes removal of primary tumor, before carrying out removal of primary tumor conduct a preoperative course of laser therapy for what influence laser therapeutic radiation all immunocompetent zones of the patient: a breast-timus, podvzdoshny wings, area of a projection of a liver and spleen in front, areas of paravertebralny zones of a backbone behind and also chreskozhno on blood in large hypodermic blood vessels with a laser radiation of infrared range of 700-1000 100-500 MW nanometers within 5-10 minutes in the scanning mode, once a day within 3-6 days. In 5-25 days after removal of primary tumor by the patient conduct treatment course of laser influences for what influence the laser radiation with a wavelength of 700-1000 nanometers with a power of 100-500 nanometers within 5-10 minutes each zone and blood in large hypodermic vessels in the scanning mode, within 25-35 days with breaks 1 day every 5 days laser influences once a day, further treatment course of laser therapeutic influences is repeated by each half a year in the absence of metastases. At appearance of metastases for the purpose of delay of growth of metastases the way mentioned above is supplemented with laser impacts on zones of the found metastases for what in each day session of laser influences in addition enter laser impacts on zones of the found metastases into the program of treatment course by the same radiation, but with a power of 300-500 MW with duration of radiation of each zone of 5-10 minutes on a zone of each found metastasis; further such treatment course is repeated by each half a year, reckoning from the moment of detection of metastases. Use of an invention allows to reduce metastasis due to increase in own protective systems of patients. 1 з. item branches, 1 tab., 4 ave.


The invention belongs to medicine, namely to oncology, and can be used for treatment of oncological patients in a stage of developing of metastases after removal of primary tumors.

Such metastases can arise in any fabrics and in any sites of an organism. It is known that at the blood course of the oncological patient there are always cancer cells. Believe that their genetic material can be built in cells of other fabrics and give rise to development of metastases. Therefore cells of metastases can have the properties other than properties of cells of primary tumors. But it is necessary to treat such patients all the same.

Malignant new growths long time were considered as incurable, but now successfully treat them in various ways. It is considered that now most of oncological patients perish not from primary tumors, and from metastases.

The way of treatment of metastases of malignant new growths is known (see the application of RU 97106563, MPK A61N 1/30, опубл. 20.02.1999), the injected drug including introduction of medicine to a body of the patient and external influence on. As medicine use the concentrated solution of an anti-metabolite and/or antineoplastic antibiotic in solvent which molecules form an electric dipole. Impose on the patient's body the electrodes connected to the power supply so that the electric field created by electrodes due to interaction with dipoles of solvent introduced medicine in a malignant new growth. Introduction of medicine in a malignant new growth is controlled in current size between electrodes.

As the lack of this way should be specified that address delivery of various medicines to tumors is known, but address delivery of medicines by means of the electric fields using medicine solvent dipoles to destruction of cancer cells of metastases in oncology isn't applied to metastases, also as antibiotics against cancer aren't known yet.

The way of treatment of metastases in a liver of a colon cancer is known (see RU 2465928, MPK A61N 1/06, A61M 1/36, A61K 31/513, A61K 35/16, A61K 35/04, опубл. 10.11.2012), the including fence of 200 ml of blood with the subsequent her centrifugation and allocation of an autoleykomassa. In the first bottle place 5 ml of an autoleykomassa and a khimiopreparata, in the second bottle - the remained uniform elements of blood, plasma and khimiopreparata. Bottles incubate separately within 40 minutes at 37 °C. Then carry out transdermal radio-frequency thermoablation of metastases in a liver under ultrasonic examination. After completion of thermoablation via the infusional pump in the electrosurgical device enter the incubated autoleykomassa from khimiopreparata from the first bottle into a bed of the metastasis which underwent thermodestruction. At the same time intravenously by drop infusion enter the incubated uniform elements of blood, plasma from khimiopreparata from the second bottle.

The way allows to reduce the frequency of progressing of a tumor and to increase survival of patients at the expense of a combination of surgical influence, local interstitial chemotherapy and an autogemokhimioterapiya.

In the stated way as shortcomings, it is necessary to specify that it isn't possible to carry out radio-frequency thermoablation of metastases in the patient's liver selectively as radio-frequency thermoablation isn't feasible with necessary spatial selectivity in such body as a liver. Struck will be a majority of the healthy fabrics surrounding metastases. Control of process by means of ultrasound in this case won't help. Besides in the application it isn't told and as the malignant tumor of a colon and residues of metastazny fabrics after thermoablation are removed. It is known that products of disintegration of fabrics after thermoablation will make intoxication an organism if they isn't removed. At the same time we will specify that use of chemotherapy along with delay of growth of cancer cells, suppresses work of own protective systems of an organism.

The way of cancer therapy or metastases of cancer is known (see the patent US 9121854, MPK A61K 38/17, G01N 33/68, G01N 33/566, A61K 38/00, A61K 48/00, C07K 14/71, опубл. 01.09.2015), the including treating cancer or cancer metastasis comprising the steps of: providing a patient harboring a tumor expressing hepatocyte growth factor receptor (HGFR), and administering to said patient a medicament comprising a polypeptide consisting of the extracellular Immunoglobulin-Plexin-Transcription factor homology domain 3 (IPT-3) and the extracellular Immunoglobulin-Plexin-Transcription factor homology domain 4 (IPT-4) of HGFR, wherein the IPT-3 domain is encoded by bases 91 to 381 of SEQ ID NO: 9 and the IPT-4 domain is encoded by bases 91 to 372 of SEQ ID NO: 10, thereby reducing a tumor burden in said patient.

The analysis of the materials presented in this patent allows to conclude that the tumor always allocates cancer cells which genetic material promotes developing of metastases to the blood course and, as a result, tumoral load of the patient's organism increases. For its decrease it is offered to inject the special medicine containing extracellular immunoglobulin in the patient's organism.

As a lack of the stated way of cancer therapy and metastases it is possible to specify that the medicines using various immunoglobulins long ago try to apply in oncology, but the decisive anticarcinogenic effect of them isn't proved yet.

The way of treatment of intracutaneous metastases at disseminate forms of a melanoma is known (see the patent RU 2304008, MPK A61N 5/067, A61 B 18/20, опубл. 10.08.2007) at which carry out removal of the metastatic centers by the CO2 laser at the power of the laser radiation of (4.5-5) W. Then the formed wound bed is covered with a layer of the ointment containing 2% of a photosensitizer (FS) of a chlorine row and waterless lanolin - the rest. After an exposition (3-3.5) h without access of light delete residues of ointment. Carry out spectral and fluorescent diagnostics of a wound bed and irradiate it with one field of laser radiation with the wavelength corresponding to an absorption maximum a photosensitizer of light radiation in a dose of 600 J/cm2.

The known way allows to achieve full or partial regression of metastases and also to considerably reduce dissemination probability from the metastatic centers.

By lack of this way it is necessary to recognize that action of a photosensitizer on cancer cells at laser radiation is limited on the one hand, depth of his penetration into fabrics, and on the other hand, to length of passing of laser radiation through these fabrics. These are order lengths from 1 mm to several mm. Therefore, beyond these limits, this way won't affect cancer cells.

The way of treatment of widespread ovarian cancer with the remote metastases is known (see RU2395314, MPK A61N 5/06, A61 V 5/17 patent, опубл. 27.07.2010), including total radiation of a body in combination with local radiation therapy. Total radiation is carried out through (10-14) days after surgical intervention on the linear particle accelerator of electrons 2 times a week in a single dose of 0.1 Gr to a total dose of 1.0 Gr consecutive rotational and static radiation by perednezadny fields. Rotational radiation is carried out at accommodation of the patient directly under the isocenter of the irradiator at the angle of rotation and, determined by the corresponding formula. Static radiation is carried out with use of the wedge-shaped filter. Local radiation therapy on the demonstrated centers is performed with single doses of 3 Gr or 2 Gr and total doses from 40 Gr to 50 Gr. The chemotherapy is carried out in (1-2) months after the end of radiation therapy in the form of (6-9) courses with intervals between them (2-3) months.

The known way allows to increase life expectancy of patients, to reduce the probability of complications and collateral reactions.

As a lack of the stated way it is possible to consider, existence is temporary an interval (10-14) days between surgical intervention and an initiation of treatment of the patient. It is known that surgical intervention has the system biological effect weakening own protective abilities of an organism which during this period don't constrain development and growth of metastases. Besides in the stated way for defeat of cancer cells it is used at first various forms of radiation therapy, and then carry out (6-8) courses of chemotherapy which, as we know, are followed by a number of undesirable by-effects. Therefore this way sets only a task - to prolong life to the patient, but not to cure him.

The way of treatment of patients with cancer of a vulva is known (see the patent RU 2296597, MPK A61N 5/067, A61 B 18/20, A61K 31/409, A61R 35/00, опубл. 10.04.2007) on which at the first stage excise in one stage main tumor by means of the high-energy CO2 laser or make cytoreductive operation (removal of the main component of a tumor) at the power at the output of the laser (20-40) W. At the second stage irradiate all surface of a vulva with a light dose (100-150) J/cm2 at the power density (50-70) MW/cm2 and irradiate zones of location of a tumor with a light dose (200-300) J/cm2 at the density of the power of (150-200) MW/cm2. Also additional interstitial laser radiation by a light dose (200-300) J is possible at the power of radiation of 200-300 MW in a tumor invasion zone.

The way allows to carry out effectively organ-preserving and sparing treatment of patients with cancer of a vulva 1-2a-3а stages, at reduction of terms of treatment and rehabilitation, minimization of complications after the carried-out treatment.

It is a way in which the scalpel of the surgeon is replaced with "a light knife" of the powerful CO2 laser. He allows to carry out organ-preserving treatment and to reduce quantity of complications as laser impacts on a zone of the operational field and on a zone of an invasion of the main cancer tumor are carried out.

As a lack of the stated way it should be noted that laser influences are carried out after operation on removal of the main tumor or its part and only on the sites of an organism adjoining places of a remote tumor.

The way of treatment of cancer patients with metastases is known (see the patent RU 2705445, MPK A61N 5/067, A61N 2/06, опубл. 07.11.2019), coinciding with the present decision on the greatest number of essential signs and taken for a prototype. The way prototype is that not earlier than from 5-6 in the afternoon after surgical interventions influence chrezkozhno the magnetolaser the pathological center and zones of biologically active points. At localization of pathological process in the head and a neck influence points of GI4, VC20, VC22, VG25, VG26. At localization of pathology in a thorax and the upper extremities - on points of GI4, MS3, MS6, TR5. At localization of pathology in a stomach and the lower extremities influence points of E36, RP2, VC8 and on SU-DZhOK to the system of compliance. Then influence the pathological center daily infrared laser radiation with constant magnetic field intensity of magnetic induction in limits (20-25) мТл, the frequency of following of pulse laser radiation of an infrared range within 80 Hz, the power (0.25-0.5) W on all zones, labilno, during (30-60) seconds, 1 times a day, total number of procedures 5-12 which are carried out daily.

The known way provides increase in protective forces of an organism at this category of patients due to impact directly on the pathological center in a complex with corrective impact on indicators of the general and local immunity.

However the way - a prototype has the following shortcomings:

1. If the oncological patient except primary tumor already has complications in the form of metastases, then it demonstrates that the protective systems of his organism are already weakened not only in a zone of primary tumor, but also in general at all organism, and influence, which, according to authors: "provide increase in protective forces of an organism at this category of patients" continue to carry out only on very limited zones, on biologically active points and the pathological centers. Such limitation of laser influences considerably reduces effect of stimulation of protective forces - it is the first shortcoming.

2. Carrying out operation of surgical removal of primary tumor or tumor with metastases, as is well-known to oncologists, "results in system biological effect", leading to weakening of protective systems of an organism, in general, and, with high probability, to metastases.

At the same time influence by the IR laser is carried out not earlier than, in (5-6) days after surgery is недостатк this way.

3. Carrying out medical influences on biologically active points lasers with single emitters has limited therapeutic effect on depth of fabrics - it is a shortcoming too. Use of lasers with matrix emitters gives increase in depth of therapeutic influence, but they aren't applied to radiation of points.

Problem of the real invention I was, first, creation of a way of reduction of probability of emergence at oncological patients during the postoperative period of complications in the form of metastases, and, secondly, in case of appearance of metastases, creation of a way of delay of their development.

The first objective is solved in such a way that before removal of primary tumor conduct a preoperative course of laser therapy: influencing laser radiation all known imunnokompetentny zones of the patient: a breast - тимус, podvzdoshny wings, area of a projection of a liver and spleen in front, areas of paravertebralny zones of a backbone behind and also cherezkozhno on blood in large hypodermic blood vessels, in particular, elbow and knee veins and arteries. For this purpose apply in the scanning mode the laser therapeutic radiation of an infrared (IK) range of 700-1000 100-500 MW nanometers within 5-10 minutes on each zone within 3-6 days once a day. After removal of primary tumor in 5-25 days by the patient conduct treatment course by laser radiation with the same parameters, but within 25-35 days with breaks 1 day every 5 days; further treatment course of influences laser therapeutic is repeated by each half a year in the absence of metastases.

In case of appearance of metastases after removal of primary tumor the program of treatment course is supplemented with daily influence by the 300-500 MW laser radiation and lasting radiation of 5-10 minutes cherezkozhno on each area (zone) of the found metastases.

All laser influences carry out cherezkozhno, disposing the laser radiating head closely to the patient's body.

As a source of laser radiation it can be used the lasers with the matrix emitter having a deep water of therapeutic effect in comparison with single emitters (see the patent of the Russian Federation No. 2112567). Influence of laser IK-radiation in therapeutic doses leads to normalization of work of cages of own protective systems of an organism. As result observe antineoplastic effect.

The real way of treatment of cancer patients with metastases is carried out as follows.

Before carrying out operation on removal of primary tumor, irrespective of a way of her removal: surgical, laser, thermoablative - conduct a preoperative course of laser therapeutic impacts on all imunnokompetentny zones of the patient: a breast-timus, podvzdoshny wings, area of a projection of a liver and spleen in front, areas of paravertebralny zones of a backbone behind and also blood in large hypodermic vessels. In the scanning mode irradiate each zone, including zones of large hypodermic blood vessels, 5-10 minutes on each zone or area, within 3-6 days once a day. Parameters of laser radiation of an infrared range: wavelength is 700-1000 nanometers power there are 100-500 MW.

Then carry out removal of primary tumor.

Further, depending on a postoperative condition of the patient, in 5-25 days to the patient conduct treatment course of laser therapeutic impacts on all imunnokompetentny zones and blood in large hypodermic vessels. He includes laser radiation of all, the zones of an organism of the patient mentioned above once a day, within 5-10 minutes on each zone or area, lasting 25-35 days. Parameters of laser radiation of an infrared range: wavelength is 700-1000 nanometers, power 100 - 500) MW.

In the absence of metastases such treatment course is repeated in each half a year.

In cases of developing of metastases, for the purpose of reduction of speed of their growth, from the moment of their detection add laser therapeutic impacts on zones of each found metastasis to the program of each day session of treatment course of laser therapy. Influence chrezkozhno each zone the laser radiation of an infrared range with a wavelength of 700-1000 nanometers 300-500 MW within 5-10 minutes lasting 25-35 days with a break 1 day every 5 days. Further such treatment courses with laser additional radiation of zones of metastases repeat each half a year.

Examples of laser treatment

Example 1. Treatment of the oncological patient with metastases in lymph nodes.

Sick O. Lidiya, born in 1939.

Extract from the card of patient No. 20013623, Hospital RAS, St. Petersburg.

Both of her parents died of malignant diseases.

In 1973 she in hospital RAS, St. Petersburg performed surgery: removal of a good-quality new growth of a thyroid gland.

In 2004 - her in Federal State Budgetary Institution RNCRHT of A.M. Granova, surgery on removal of a malignant new growth of the left mammary gland is performed. After this operation she applied ways of increase in immunity by means of magnetic therapy.

In 2013 at her the malignant new growth, and in Federal State Budgetary Institution RNCRHT of A.M was revealed again. Granova, surgery on removal of a malignant new growth of a uterus and appendages is performed.

Before this operation the patient received 5 dnevny preoperative course of laser therapeutic impacts 5 min. on each of imunnokompetentny zones in the scanning mode of radiation of each zone, at the power of the laser radiation of (200-300) MW for stimulation of all protective systems of an organism. In 20 days after this operation she conducted full treatment course of laser therapeutic influences: 30 days without interruption, 5 minutes on each imunnokompetentny zone in the scanning mode, at the laser power of (200-300) MW which then repeated each half a year. (See the previous section and a formula of an invention.)

In 2019 on the ultrasonography which is carried out to FBU MZ RAS, the card number 20013623 at her it was revealed: "again changed lymph nodes of the axillary Region at the left".

Then at the patient 07. June, 2019 by means of the positron issue tomography which is carried out to Federal State Budgetary Institution RNCRHT of A.M. Granova, number of the research report 02 070619, was established "to PET/KT - a picture single metabolic active intra chest lymph nodes and the site of the increased accumulation of RFI in a projection of cicatricial tissue of the left underarm."

From now on her program of laser treatment courses included additional radiation of zones of these knots and the site of the increased accumulation of RFI in the left axillary zone with a laser therapeutic radiation of 10 minutes on each zone at the power of the radiation of (300-400) MW. (See the previous section and a formula of an invention.)

According to the last tomogafichesky research on November 05, 2019 conducted in Federal State Budgetary Institution RNCRHT of A.M. Granov

С Уважением, Титов Михаил Николаевич, ген. директор НИИ фотонной медицины и фотонного климата имени Ж. И. Алфёрова и ген. директор ООО «Гидролазер», к.ф.-м.н., лауреат премии Ленинского комсомола
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