Workplace hazards and photon medicine


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Relevance of the problem of photon medicine in Russia and in the world


In photon medicine, there are millions of studies, tens of thousands of articles, hundreds of books, several thousand approved methods, thousands of types of installations for photon medicine.

And in this sea of ​ ​ information, a single systematic approach is lacking, as photons of different wavelengths, polarization and power interact with biological tissues and identify the optimal mode of photon medicine.

It is important that almost all photon medicine procedures are painless.

For example, treatment on the Bioptron apparatus is even pleasant, since it gives good warmth. Removing gamma with a tumor knife in the brain is absolutely painless and after the procedure the patient is fully able.

In photon medicine, the cost of medical procedures is low. since there are practically no consumables and installations can be operated indefinitely.

For example, Hydrolaser offers particularly reliable equipment and gives a lifetime guarantee for all its photon medicine equipment.

Photonic medicine in many cases qualitatively reduces the drug load.

The task of the Research Institute of Photon Medicine, considering from a single point of view the processes taking place in biological tissues, is to obtain the optimal therapeutic effect.

The main drawback of our photon medicine is that giant developments in this direction are not available to the absolute majority of doctors and it is necessary to make the achievements of photon medicine as accessible as possible to practical doctors using the most modern means of communication. This will dramatically increase the effectiveness of all medicine, which is an important task.

A little history of photon medicine

Since ancient times, people have understood the healing property of the sun.

Ancient doctors recommended solar radiation to get rid of a number of diseases.

Then, at the present stage, a Finsen lamp appeared, giving people a stunning medical result, and the author was awarded the Nobel Prize.

It is not possible even in a multi-volume book to describe the equipment and methods of photon medicine that have appeared over the past hundred years.

In the world today, more than 10 million doctors are performing procedures to treat 7 billion patients.

The number of photon medicine plants in the world is estimated by us to be about 10 million units.

How to describe the flow of photons on patients

Photon flux per patient is characterized by the following parameters

Photon energy.

The polarization of the photon flux is linear or elliptical, for example, circular and the direction of rotation of the polarization.

Coherent or non-coherent radiation.

Monochromatic or polychromatic radiation and its spectrum.

The flow is constant, pulsed, modulated, for example, modulated in patients' biorhythms.

Instantaneous and average power.

Power density.

Irradiation time.

Frequency of irradiation.

Flat wave, diverging beam, converging beam.

Accounting for interference and diffraction.

Photon angle of incidence on patient.

Accounting for reflection and absorption.

Wavelength range:

50 Hz;




Infrared range;

Visible range;

Ultraviolet range;


Gamma radiation;

A method of delivering radiation to a patient is possible;

By air;

Using light guides.

Of course, when conducting studies on the effects of photons on biological tissues, this must be taken into account and all these parameters set in the treatment and diagnosis methods so that there is unambiguous reproducibility of the results.


Problems of creating installations for irradiation of patients

Installations are created either from technical capabilities or on the instructions of doctors.

We believe that the most important parameters of medical operation plants should be noted:

  1. Ensure the full safety of patients, doctors honey. sisters and maintenance personnel. THAT IS TO CREATE AN ACCEPTABLE PHOTONIC CLIMATE IN THIS PROCESS;
Give an example of how workers' treatment can be effectively provided in the workplace
To do this, we bring and install a standard car with an X-ray diagnostic unit to the plant.
on the territory of the enterprise we look for a clean room of 12 square meters and install a laser therapeutic Mustang complex

Occupational diseases - diseases resulting from exposure to occupational hazards are successfully treated by laser therapy at MUSTANG.

The clinical specificity of occupational diseases is always relative, only a few of them are characterized by a special symptom complex due to the radiological, functional, hematological, biochemical and immunological changes characteristic of these diseases. Therefore, information about the working conditions of the sick person is extremely important, since only they often make it possible to establish that the detected changes in the state of health belong to the category of occupational lesions.

A number of occupational disease groups are distinguished, which are successfully treated by the Mustang laser complex

diseases occurring with isolated or combined damage to various organs and systems: skin diseases (contact dermatitis,, and paronychia, folliculitis):.
diseases caused by physical factors: (vibration sickness; diseases that develop as a result of contact exposure to ultrasound - hand angioeurosis ; diseases related to exposure; - skin burns, eye damage; radiation sickness, local radiation damage, diseases associated with changes in atmospheric pressure, -,; diseases and pathological conditions arising under adverse meteorological conditions - vegetative polyneuritis.

Diseases resulting from overstrain: diseases of peripheral nerves and muscles - neuralgia, neuritis, radiculoneuritis, vegetative-sensative polyneuritis, cervical-thoracic radiculitis, lumbar-sacral radiculitis, cervical-shoulder plexites,,; coordinating neuroses - scribal spasm; diseases of the musculoskeletal system - chronic tendovaginitis, stenosing ligamentitis, bursitis, shoulder epicondylitis, deforming arthrosis; diseases of the voice apparatus
Successful treatment of these diseases will radically improve the labor team and reveal prospects for a radical increase in labor productivity.

С Уважением, Титов Михаил Николаевич, ген. директор НИИ фотонной медицины и фотонного климата имени Ж. И. Алфёрова и ген. директор ООО «Гидролазер», к.ф.-м.н., лауреат премии Ленинского комсомола
Тел. +7(495)970-20-63
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Сайт http://photon-medcine.mya5.ru/